Wednesday, May 10, 2006

i feel like ive become a lot more carefree lately, which is a good thing i suppose. i think i can be a bit of a tight ass sometimes... Courtney's been staying with me for the past couple days and it actually hasn't been that bad at all, i'm pretty sure she gets pretty bored while i do my homework though. Jeeesus, i'm tired of doing homework, aren't teacher's supposed to lay off the load at the end of the year? where has all my free time gone!?

ooh man this guy at Tae-Kwon-Do is starting to creep me out, i used to think he was nice... but now i find him creepy... afraid-he's-going-to-rape-me creepy. at least i only see him on wednesdays O_O...

bwa! prom is on saturday

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