Thursday, June 02, 2005

i took this from caylan *loves*

1. Name: Catherine
2. Age: 16
3. Location: my room
4. Height: either 5'5" or 5'4", i don't remember
5. Pants Size: hah don't ask me about clothes i don't know... according to a random pair of pants on my bed i'm a 3 but i don't know if they fit me right....
6. Hair (short, medium, long): long
7. Style (overall): i don't know...
8. Birthdate: march 27
9. Do you do drugs: no
10. Drink?: no
11. Smoke?: no
12. Virgin?: yes

Advanced - things that dont really matter but kinda do-----------------------------------------
13. Can you cut hair: probably, but it won't look good
14. Shoe size: uh 8? again i'm really dumb when it comes to clothes, even my own
15. Favorite color: don't care
16. Top 5 Bands: :( i don't know
17. Do you wear make-up: cover up
18. How long do you spend getting ready: about 30 minutes, thats including a shower
19. School: amchs
20. AIM s/n: frothycoffeeee (i hope i'm not going to get any stalkers from this....)

Are you------------------
21. Spoiled: i guess
22. Rich: normal
23. Poor: nah
24. Funny: ive never been comfortable labeling myself
25. Cute: "
26. Scene: huh?
27. Stuck-up: no
28. Conceited: i don't know, maybe some....
29. Musically inclined: i guess

Do you----------------
30. Like girls: girls are pretty cool, i'm a girl, my moms a girl.....
31. Like boys: boys are pretty cool too, i have a brother whos a boy, i like him
32. Spend atleast an hour on myspace: pssh no...
33. Like late night conversations on the phone: nah i like sleep
34. Kissing: i like kissing my kitties :/
35. Hugging: yay
36. Cuddeling: sure, its comfy
37. Cartoons: depends, i guess i do.....
38. Like Rap: nah
39. like guys that wear baggy pants: as long as their crotch isn't where their knees should be, i couldn't care less

40. Food: hmmm PAD THAI!
41. Style of music: meh
42. Clothing brand: hah like i pay attention to clothing brands....
43. Tv show(s): uh lost and oprah
44. Movie(s): moulin rouge!
45. Activity: happy fun time with friends, or sleepy time

46. Do you drive?: seldom
47. Would you go out with me: with a survey? no
48. What would would you do if I kissed you: i didn't know survey's had lips...
49. Do you like to take pictures: i don't mind taking them, but being in them? no
50. Do you like to eat: sure, food is good
51. Do you like Taco Bell: nah
52. What do you look for in a girl(or guy): niceness?
53. What would you do if I started to cry: i think i'd freak out if a survey started crying...

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