Monday, February 07, 2005

My dad gave me a very interesting talk today

Dad: catherine, i want to give you something to think about
Me: huh?
Dad: sit down and stop making that face, it isn't bad
Me: *smiles big and sits down*
Dad: now there are boys who like football and there are boys who don't
Me: ....
Dad: probably a good 90% likes football at your school
Me: uh more like 75% maybe???
Dad: *ignores* now the boys who don't like football, are they really the kind of people you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Me: ............huh?
Dad: I'm not saying that there aren't good boys that don't like football, but the ones who like football are probably the ones you want to spend the rest of your life with
Dad: ok i'm done

I think this spurned from me insulting football everytime I passed my dad yesterday....

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