Sunday, February 27, 2005

my brother is 12 now XP~ so yesterday i spent the day watching a bunch of boys watch skateboarding videos it wasn't too bad i suppose. I saw The Ring for the 4th time i think, it was better than i remembered, and i also saw Saw which wasn't all that great....

dammit dammit dammit i'm bored..... T_T


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

1. What time do you get up?schooldays: usually 6:50, other days: any any time i feel like it!
2. If you could eat lunch with one living person, who would it be?hmmm... autumn because i haven't seen her in soooo long and i miss eating lunch with her T.T
3. Gold or silver?Silver is sooo better
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?In Good Company yup, i do believe
5. What is your favorite TV show?ugh, i just don't ever watch TV anymore..... except for LOST and Inuyasha, so i guess those two
6. What do you have for breakfast?well, my usual choices are between a variety of cereals, oatmeal, cream of wheat, bagel, waffle, or a strudel
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?ooooh i don't want to say it because she really is a nice person, she just talks way to much and drives me crazy and i'm paranoid she'll read this and then be all sad and stuff..... even though i know she probably doesn't even know my last name, or maybe she does.....
8. What or who inspires you?a nice breezy warm/cool day, except i never end up doing anything with the boost of motivation it gives me so really its just a waste
9. What is your middle name?Anna
10. Beach, City, Or Country?hmmm beach is nice and fun, but sandy and windy and gross sometimes so no. there is always something to do in the city so thats cool, and the country is usually peaceful and nice, so its between those two.
11. Favorite ice cream?that stuff i had at Elora's house! or.... Caramel Caribou!
12. Butter, plain, and/or salted popcorn?i used to loooove butter popcorn but now that i think about it i think i like salted better
13. Favorite color's?i like them all
14. What kind of car/truck do you drive?um sometimes i drive our minivan, but only on very rare occasions
15. Favorite sandwich?turkey bacon club at schlotskies or how ever you spell it
16. What characteristics do you despise?death glares or EXCUUUSE MEE!!! when i accidentally bump people or pass them a little to quickly for their taste. it makes me grumpy
17. Favorite flower?i'm going to have to go with everyone elses favorite, rose. they are just so..... pretty.orchids are nice to though, and lillies...
18. If you could go anywhere in the World for vacation, wherewould it be?right now i feel like going to..... a place to have a picnic, a nice place.... thats all i want right now.
19. What color is your bathroom?yucky green and yucky off-whitish
20. Favorite brand of clothing?i don't pay attention to brands
21. Where would you retire to?anywhere where the government isn't crazy, and the air isn't too bad.
22. Favorite day of the week?saturday or wednesday (because i watch tv on those days) and friday (because its just a nice day)
23. What did you do for your last birthday?Aggie con
24. Where were you born?College Station Med
25. Favorite sport to watch?baseball is pretty fun, if you are with people and you have nachos or hotdog in hand and you are actually at the game
26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?everyone?
27. Person you expect to send it back first?no one?
28. What fabric detergent do you use?um tide maybe?
29. Coke or Pepsi?i honestly can't tell the difference....
30. Are you a morning person or a night person?i'm a better morning person i think
31. What is your shoe size?71/2 or 8 i think
32. Do you have any pets?3 cats 1 dog
33. What is your favorite season?spring or fall, the seasons that are in the middle, i don't like being to cold or to hot.
34. Name as it appears on birth certificate?Catherine Anna Bailey, last time i checked
36. Nicknames?uh Cat? i guess, i don't really have many
37. Number of candles on your last birthday cake?i don't think i had a cake......
38. Kid's Hair Color:how should i know?
40. Piercing?no
41. Eyes?green?
42. How much do you love your job?i don't have one *sigh*
43. Residence:in a house
44. Favorite Food?turkey bacon club!
45. Been outside US and where?canada, mexico....
46. Been toilet papering?on my ass!!
47. Have you ever been in love?no..... *kicks something*
48. Been in a car accident?no
49. Croutons or bacon bits?the REAL bacon bits not that dumb fake stuff my mom buys
50. Favorite saying?"that stupid whore, i'm gonna fuck that bitch, shoot her in the head, and fuck her there!!!"
51. Favorite restaurant?that one place i ate at in little italy!
52. Favorite non alcoholic beverage?spiced chai latte
53. How many times did you fail your driver's test?none.....
54. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email?uh Jin i think
55. Do you sing in the shower?no, which is weird becaus i sing everywhere else.
56. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?that one store in colorado!!!!
57. What do you do most when you are bored?lie around, sit around, groan and twitch and bother everyone else
58. Bedtime:usually around 11, but i don't really have a set bedtime
59. Glass half empty or half full?this question is asked in everyone of these dumb surveys!!
60. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?anywhere where the government isn't corrupt, the girls are treated nicely and the air is pretty clean. which would leave???? i don't know.


Saturday, February 19, 2005

woohoo woohoo i'm in a good mood now!!! because........ i made a one oh yeah oh yeah, i made a one whoopdidoodidoo doo bwahahahahaha!!!!!

ahhhh *sigh* i began both my last posts with Ugh..... : P


Friday, February 18, 2005

ugh i really want to fall asleep... ive spent the vast majority of the day being depressed out of my mind for the silliest reasons that i don't even understand. today sucked

last night was really fun. mom got mad at me though, but thats okay.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

ugh... i never have anything to do anymore (well, i guess i never have) my life is a boring piece of crap.

go to school
come home
go to sleep

i do that every day... except for weekends thats just constant sitting. i wish i had a hobby, or a place i like to go that i can get to myself. I also wish i were more active, that would be nice....


Sunday, February 13, 2005

its an AMAZINGLY beautiful day out today, i wish i had a reason to go outside... i guess i do but i'm kinda lazy, so i'll just open my windows and PRETEND that i'm outside : P

my body's all achy like i had an hour workout yesterday or something but i didn't do anything yesterday.... its kind of a nice feeling in a weird sort of way. it makes me feel like i did something nice for my body, even though i did absolutely nothing...

what i really want right now is a swimming pool and frito pie, then i'd be in bliss.


Saturday, February 12, 2005

letseeeee.... yesterday i didn't do anything for awhile then lisa and nick came over and then caylan and that was pretty cool. After that i fell asleep. Today i woke up and went to Shiner and read alot and decided i really like my grandparents breakfast table/chairs. I also discovered i can't hit balls with bats anymore, i suck, and my grandpa can't tell the difference between an opossum and a badger....

My book went from being a pretty cool, scary book to a kiddy porno, sci fi book, its really weird.... A giant pregnant spider from space just isn't as scary as an evil mass murdering clown thing... and i'm not quite sure what the whole galactic turtle was all about, but he choked on his puke and that was weird.

i don't like coconut milk


Monday, February 07, 2005

My dad gave me a very interesting talk today

Dad: catherine, i want to give you something to think about
Me: huh?
Dad: sit down and stop making that face, it isn't bad
Me: *smiles big and sits down*
Dad: now there are boys who like football and there are boys who don't
Me: ....
Dad: probably a good 90% likes football at your school
Me: uh more like 75% maybe???
Dad: *ignores* now the boys who don't like football, are they really the kind of people you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Me: ............huh?
Dad: I'm not saying that there aren't good boys that don't like football, but the ones who like football are probably the ones you want to spend the rest of your life with
Dad: ok i'm done

I think this spurned from me insulting football everytime I passed my dad yesterday....


Sunday, February 06, 2005

i had fun with elora yesterday/today, In Good Company is a very good movie..... Inuyasha was particularly good, didn't go to Sadie WOOHOOO!!

i would type more but i suddenly got a random throbbing headache


Thursday, February 03, 2005

oh yeah i'm proud of myself! I got home, got straight to work and finished all my projects and homework with no problems ('cept for the computer messing up while i was typing a short essay, but i wasn't very far into it). I drank caffiene so i wouldn't get sleepy though, and now its possible i won't be able to fall asleep tonight, oooooohhhhh welllllll.

My computer isn't making annoying noises right now, yippee!

ive noticed i never seem to blog after something actually interesting happened, i'm always to preoccupied or something. my blog is deathly boring to everyone but me!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! pepper is calling me, bye bye


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

JESUS CHRIST!!! my computer is so annoying, it won't even let me shut it down anymore, and when ever its on it makes an EXTREMELY LOUD OBNOXIOUS NOISE!!!


my sister has an admirer, its cute. last post i was very angry with her but she made me good coffee yum yum, and she's all lovey stressed and cute bwahahaha.



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