Sunday, August 08, 2004

well i got back from corpus yesterday *nods* i had a good time, grammye and papa are great. we went to the beach with my sister's cousins Neve, Elena, Pamala, and Phillip. Anne, Grandma Jocie, and Grandpa Ray (i think thats his name) came too. I talked to Anne for the first time really, she is very nice and very irish ^^. I caught a whole bunch of sand dollars and hermit crabs, Neve was afraid of them and Pamala was in love with them. I tried surfing and boogie boarding for the first time in a long time, i never tried standing up on the surf board, but i glided a pretty good distance (i suck at boogie boarding, i did better a few years ago). anyway thats pretty much all i did, besides hang out at my grandparents. I think my mom and I are going to go tax-free shopping today (...yay...)


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